Friday, January 15, 2010

What God Has Done

God has done so much for me. I don't even know how to adequately describe all that He has done. He has saved me from eternal separation from Himself. He has saved me from myself. He has saved me from much of what this world has to offer. I am overwhelmed today by His saving mercy. Almost 9 years ago, I started down a path of complete destruction. I veered off the path of following Christ, and began following my own wants and desires in order to fill an emptiness within... places unhealed. And I ended up so far down in a pit of destruction that I saw no way to ever get out, much less be healthy or whole. I wanted my life to end, because it no longer had any value in my eyes. And the pain of the life I made for myself was almost unbearable. And then Jesus came. Wow. Even typing those words, I can once again feel the depth of His embrace of me in my darkest, most painful hour. He came... for me. And pulled me up out of the pit of darkness and despair. And every day, every hour, oftentimes every minute, He reminded me of His love for me and of my value to Him. How overwhelming. I had nothing to offer, and found out that He knew that already, and wasn't needing me to offer anything anyway. I was desperate for His grace, and He gave it in abundance. I was desperate for His mercy, and it was vast. I was desperate for Him to heal me, and He cleansed every wound. I was desperate to be whole, and He filled me to overflowing.

That process with Him began 6 years ago this month. My life has not been easy during that time... MUCH transition, much loss, much seeking, but He continues to come. My walk with Him has had some of the most beautiful times I have ever known. And there have been days when I didn't know how to complete a sentence in prayer. But I stand amazed in His presence this morning... longing for more of Him, longing for His touch, His presence, His peace to fill my heart, His vision for my life. I long to know Him, and to share Him with others. I long to be a voice that cries out of His grace and mercy, so that others may know and believe that it is available to them too. I long to fill His tender embrace today, and to offer it to my husband, my children, and to anyone I can.

Jesus is enough. He is enough for our pain, for our fears, for our questions. He came to heal us. By HIS wounds we are healed, the scripture says. He came to make us free. I choose freedom. It is mine, and I feel it to my bones today. I want to become ever-more free as I walk with Him.

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