Tuesday, January 12, 2010


This past Saturday was spent in de-clutter mode. We had been home a week from traveling to NC after Christmas, but still had Christmas decorations up, suitcases and other stuff to unpack, and other clutter all over the house. You couldn't even see the floor of our garage. It was a mess. I was threatening to go live somewhere else until the clutter went away. And I was overwhelmed. I hate clutter. I don't function well in it. I can't think clearly. And I easily feel like it's too much to deal with. So, for days we had tried to pretend the clutter wasn't there. Then Saturday came - our day to de-clutter. And clean after the de-cluttering. I felt overwhelmed about it all. But Randy assured me we could get it done. So, we began. And a few hours into it, I started to believe we might actually make some headway. Christmas decorations down. Check. Suitcase unpacked. Check. Laundry put away. Check. Randy clearing garage floor. Check. Vacuuming. Check. And on it went. And by Saturday night, I was loving where I live again, and feeling mentally free. The clutter was gone. Trash bags were filled with things to get rid of. Donations were made to a local charity. I didn't feel overwhelmed anymore. It was great.

It got me thinking about myself. How much clutter fills me and distracts or distances me from God? My guess is that it's a lot more than I usually realize. But at the same time, I often feel it, and get frustrated at why I don't feel closer to God, more connected to Him, more intimate in my walk with Him. And then I see it... the clutter. The to-do lists running through my head, the expectations I put on myself to be and do certain things as a wife, mom, & minister, mindless television, fear, pride, insecurity, busyness, etc., etc. The clutter of my life. And with all of that clutter, I miss out on true LIFE. The life I want and long for. Not just getting through the day life, but the real, true abundant life promised to me by a loving, merciful God. So, I must not only de-clutter what I can see around me, but ask God to de-clutter the internal parts of who I am. I know He's not overwhelmed by the task, but I also realize that He will have to do what I had to do Saturday... get rid of stuff. And that often hurts - at least temporarily. The things that I so come to depend on that feel comfortable to me can often be the things that keep me from having all that He desires for me.

I want to be de-cluttered. I am scared to be de-cluttered. But I need it. So I ask God to de-clutter me. Get rid of what keeps me from all that you have for me. Fill me with You. Fill me with You. Fill me with You.

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